Saturday, January 16, 2016

Vi Apigo: Bye bye, Mother Han!

Dear everyone,
This is to inform you all that i no longer can to follow and believe in Mother, Mrs. Hak Ja Han. What she said last Oct. 24, 2015 at the Cheongpyeong Training Center is already too much for me.
I have heard and read many things that i totally abhor under her leadership but i would just think that she is not the one who initiated the changes. Few examples are the following;
changed the CSG,
changed the Family Pledge,
changed the CIG national anthem,
changed the Blessing vow,
gave different holy wine not from what True Father made, and the latest is that they
changed the 4PF of the DP wherein Adam is in the object position and Eve in the subject position,
and the Fall of Man was totally reversed, presenting that Adam was the one who fell with satan then Adam tempted Eve to have relationship with fallen Adam.
These are too much for somebody who truly truly love and trust and have deep faith in the Bible, Divine Principle and Jesus and True Father.
For me, too, these changes are too much. However, i kept on believing that these changes were enforced by those leaders surrounding her. I always believe that she will never agree with such absurd ideas. I had believed that she cannot just disagree with those leaders because they institute a democratic system which is majority wins. This is what i am hoping and wish to be the facts.
However, her speech last Oct. 24 blew all my beliefs on her. In her speech she is asserting that Christian history is a preparation to receive a female Jesus, or a begotten daugther which is herself.
This is totally different from what the DP teaches which says history of Christianity centering of Jesus is a preparation to receive the Second Coming of Christ. Mother Han in her speech did not mention this.
Does she really believe this?
Now i cannot still believe, i thought the people around her are the ones uttering these ideas but now it really came from her speech.
This is so difficult for me, to decide to get away from whom i have regarded as my parents.
I have understood that as wife of True Father, she is to be around him supporting him to fulfill his mission and to uphold True Father works and glorify God through True Father's accomplishments. True Father even said that this and that need no changes, but under Mother Han's leadership many of True Father's works were changed.
Now this is really too much for me. So from now on i cannot follow her anymore.
Mrs. Hak Ja Han, i am sorry for this. Even if i say this, it wont hurt you anyway. I am just a simple low profile member among the thousands or millions who are following you. So to leave you does not really matter to you and your leaders.
This is my personal decision. Nobody forced me to do this.
It is such a great blessing that your two sons the Victorious Abel and Cain had united together to glorify True Father and follow his words absolutely. So i have decided to follow the leadership of your two sons, Hyung Jin Nim and Kook Jin Nim.
Personally they were my leaders in Korea. In just few years that they had led the korean church, many great things happened. At that time i felt i can see clearly the future which is so bright centering on theur joint leadership. And i knew and saw that God is working with these two brothers.
So i decided to follow them because it is quite clear to me that your sons are following God and True Father.
Bye bye, Mother Han.

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