Thursday, December 24, 2015

Vi Apigo: Rev. Hwang's Group hiding under Han Mother's skirt

Hello everybody,
The last post i had was about the three groups inside the FFWPU. And the way i see it is that Rev. Hwang's groups is the most coward.
Rev. Kwak's group has bravely presented themselves and now have their own group and their own activities. Mrs. Hyo Nam Kim is now recruiting japanese members to join her in Japan to continue the yoksa activity she used to do. But Rev. Hwang's group is still hiding behind or under the skirt of Han Mother.
Since there are three groups, FFWPU membership in Korea is also divided into three groups. Members here and in abroad may not know that they are all hooked in one of the networks of those three groups.
In Korea, Rev. Kwak and Hyun Jin Nim's group got a lot of the older korean pastors and leaders. Mrs. Hyo Nam Kim got a lot of japanese members through the CP providence. And Rev. Hwang's share of membership are the foreigners who live in korea and some koreans who are bilingual.
When i was working under him, he sometimes tells his vision for the foreigners to make an international community in Yeosu. So he was or is very interested in getting the leadership over Yeosu project.
So Rev. Hwang's pet are the foreigners in korea and his instruments are usually the koreans who can speak english. He has strong grip over many foreigners here thru these koreans.
So i will not be surprised if he enticed some of them thru free car and free housing. And some have been given a business in korea and outside korea, like a credit card business in hongkong, or a good position with good pay.
I will not also be surprised if he allows ghost employees in the payroll to entice loyalty from foreigners he can use. I know foreign members who does not really work in a certain office but was receiving a full salary every month.
I will not also be surprised if he uses the Today's World magazine to satisfy the need of his people to be publicize and become popular so members can easily believe in them.
His spiritual son told me that those businesses are only named in some of those foreigners. But actually they are Rev. Hwang's business.
His spiritual son also told me that he knows voodoo. Actually before i heard this from his spiritual son, i already felt that one.of his beloved female follower was using this method to hurt those who doesn't follow her.
And there is also a fraternity. If you agree to join them, you will receive battering on the buttocks. Of course after some kind of orientation.
This is the Rev. Hwang group as far as i know. Aside from their ideology about Han Mother as the OBD and LSA they are also preparing the remaining FFWPU members to receive the son of Hyo Jin Nim as the heir of True Father.
But his group is the most coward. They continuously hide under Han Mother's skirt.
Those whom he had used had somehow did some bad things in some extent or were enticed to do some bad activitiess. So people are afraid to come out from his group because they might receive punishment.
For those who are in this situation. Please present yourself to God and True Father bravely. And if you think it is worthwhile to go back to True Father, then please do so quickly by receiving the Blessing to Return to Father's Authority.
Remember also that these three groups have their own respective candidate for the heir of True Father. You know very clearly who True Parents crowned as the heir. It is the couple of Hyung Jin Nim and Yeon Ah Nim.
Brothers and sisters let us find the root of our life and faith. Only the Messiah can do that for us. Please think and pray deeply. God will surely answer you.
Have a nice day.

Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Vi Apigo: Inside the Politics of FFWPU in Korea & CP

Hello Brothers and Sisters,
This may help solve the puzzle you are solving regarding the recent issues about FFWPU.
From 2005-2007 i had a chance to live and work inside CP as translator of CSG to Filipino language. At that time i have learned that there are three groups in the FFWPU who are competing for positions and recognition from True Father. These groups have their own network to lure members to their sides. And these three groups have their own candidate for the heir of True Father as the next king. These groups are Rev. Kwak's group, the Cheongpyeong Group headed by Mrs. Hyo Nam Kim and the third group is Rev. Hwang's group.
These three groups are supposed to be the dicsiples for propagating God's Will as what True Father says it. However, what i saw is that they are competing against each other for True Father's approval of their own ideas or projects or candidates for certain position for their own purposes.
Their main goal is for their candidate for heir of True Father to be crowned as the next king.
As you know Rev. Kwak is pushing through to make Hyun Jin Nim as the heir of True Father. So they spread words that Hyun Jin Nim is the eldest son at this time, so he should be the heir. They tried to push this idea using korean tradition wherein the eldest son receives the inheritance of parents position and wealth.
The next group is the CP group. They had a plan to make one brother of Mrs. Kim Hyo Nam to become legal kin of Mother. If this happened then the CP group can make him the heir, when Mother becomes disfunctional. However this did not worked well. I heard the nurses at the hospital did not unite with this project so they cannot make that brother Mother's kin/brother legally.
When the idea about the Only Begotten Daugther (OBD), that Mother is sinless and Father is sinful came out the CP group bought this idea. However after August 30, when Elder Victoriuos Cain Kook Jin Nim crowned his younger brother Victorious Abel as the heir of True Father and the second King of CIG, Mrs. Kim's group changed their ideology. Mrs. Kim's spiritual father and spiritual grandfather who were giving lecture that Mother is the OBD, and sinless started to declare otherwise. They said Mother is sinful. They also announced that Yoksa in CP has stopped because only Mrs. Hyo Nam Kim was given the authority to do that by True Father.
Now the group of Mrs. Hyo Nam Kim is trying to make their own group in Japan telling japanese members to join them because Mrs. Hyo Nam Kim is the only one who can do liberation and blessing of ancestors.
The third group is Rev. Sun Jo Hwang's group. This group's candidate for heir is one of the sons of Hyo Jin Nim. I think they got this idea from the fact that Hyo Jin Nim is the eldest son born of the True Parents.
During that time i was in CP, i did not understand why the group of Rev. Hwang has serious interest in the teachings and activities of Nakayama. One of his beloved supporter had ask me about the Nakayama group of which i knew that they have declared their woman leader as Mother God. I myself saw that video wherein they had gloriously prepared the stage in Cuneta Astrodone in Manila Philippines to proclaim nakayama's woman leader being God.
So Rev. Hwang's group was very interested in that event. I did not know why. But later i heard from Rev. Hyung Jin Moon that the FFWPU is teaching about the Only Begotten Daugther and that Mother is sinless and that Father was the one who fell with satan and that Father is sinful because he has the 6 Marys.
Since there is only three groups who has been competing against each other to rule over the whole FFWPU after Father goes to the spirit world, let us try to look who could have been teaching such thing as those mentioned above. And what group will finally support the idea that Mother is the female God.
Rev. Kwak's group wants Hyun Jin Nim to become the heir. They did this by getting as much FFWPU properties and organizations as they can get to their names. Their view is that those properties are owned by members so members should enjoy them. They lure members by helping them financially using the huge amount of money and properties they got from FFWPU. Their purpose is to have enough base and support to proclaim Hyun Jin Nim as the true heir of True Father.
Rev. Kkwak's group cannot teach about the OBD idea because they ultimately wants Hyun Jin Nim to be the messiah, the fourth adam. Do you remember? Around 2008 i had been hearing this whispers from few of my friends and some korean acquiantances.
Mrs. Hyo Nam Kim used her spiritual power to heal members through CP to lure members come.into their network. Of course she has spiritual but it is not from her origin. That spiritual power originated from God and True Father who gave her permission to do that providential works. As they did that work they got so much donations from the worldwide membership and created their own network among members and in the society. Their purpose is to have a base so when the brother, whom they wanted to make Mother's legal brother, become officially and legally a brother of Mother, they can also make him Father's heir when Mother becomes disfunctional.
However this did not worked well for them. Now they are luring japanses members to continue believe in Mrs. Hyo Nam Kim as the bonafide spiritualist of FFWPU who can liberate and bless our ancestors. When spiritualist disunited with the one who gave them spiritual power, they usually go back to where they started, no more special spiritual power to help God's children.
At first Mrs. Hyo Nam Kim unites with the OBD idea but after August 30, 2015 they changed their view and started their campaign in japan.
So the group of Mrs. Hyo Nam Kim cannot teach the OBD idea because they already disregarded that afrer August 30 this years.
Now it is only one group who could possibly the strong supporter of the OBD idea. It is Rev. Hwang's group and the network he has mastered while he is at a high position.
I personally knew that his group is very interested in the nakayama group. And after thinking about what happened on the January 13 Foundation, i see it as very similar to the nakayama group when they proclaimed their woman leader as God in the Philippines.
So the only one who can teach that Mother is sinless, that Mother is the Only Begotten Daugther (OBD) is the group of Rev. Hwang. Who else do you think? I do not know of another group inside the FFWPU who is willing to teach this to our brothers and sisters. It could only be the group of Rev. Hwang.
Their purpose is to make Mother the absolute authority so she can easily change or erase what Father has proclaimed and what Father has done throughtout his life. If they can make Mother the absolute authority, even higher that God and Father as presented in their new trinity (God and Father are inside Mother), then Mother Han can easily change the heir.
So Rev. Hwang's group who does not have enough money left, since Rev. Kwak and Mrs. Kim, has gotten a lot to their names or relative's names, has to use anything left to make Mother go to that image, the OBD, the Messiah and finally they will proclaim her as God. Mother is also uniting with this group so she also tell herself as the OBD and the Messiah on her Oct. 24 speech.
So Brothers and Sisters, all of these three groups, who are supposed to totally unite with True Father had been doing their own things. They are supposed to be True Father's main disciples but could not carry out that mission successfully.
Please pray sincerely about your decisions. Will you go to one of these groups? Or will you go to the heir that True Parents proclaimed and crowned three times?
Please please pray deeply and sincerely. God does not force anybody. You need to seek, knock and ask and the answers shall be given unto you. Aju.
May God bless you more and more.
(FB post by Vi Apigo)

Thursday, November 19, 2015

Vi Apigo: My Resignation from FFWPU

Dear everyone,
There are many brothers and sisters who had sent their resignation letters to FFWPU recently. I had been thinking of doing this long time ago.
This started when i found out that the korean leaders of the FFWPU were not really doing what God desires as taught by the Rev. Sun Myung Moon.
The first time i thought of resigning was in1996. This was the time when our Phil. National Leader Michael Zablan announced a midnight prayer condition in which one of the purposes is for the death of one of our country's political leaders. Then he confirmed to me that the direction was from the korean lady Continental Director. I thought this is satanic. I left HQ but did not give up on True Father and the DP.
The second was on 2007. This was the time when i decided to report to Rev. Sun Ju Hwang what my direct leader (Rev. Chang) is forcing me to do with our Cheon Seong Gyeong Translator's payroll, of which i am responsible. I told him that my direct leader wants to fire me from my work because i resist to sign the fraudulent requisition form for the salary of the European translators living ourside of Korea.
Rev. Hwang listened and his answer was just simple "I cannot do anything about that. It is out of my control." When i heard this, i thought i will fall down for my surroundings became pitch dark.
This was the time when i went to the office of Rev. Hwang without any appointment to sought some solution for what my direct leader is doing. I had been resisting and arguing with him about this.
This is the scenario. We are almost done with the mission of translating the Original Cheon Seong into 40 languages. And we have to settle our account with the European translators. So i computed how much should be sent to European church.
However my leader told me that we will not deposit the money to European church but instead we have to send to Cheongpyeong Training Center. The reason is to save few dollars from the service fee. At that time the European Church has to send the money they collected from ancestors liberation when Mrs. Kim Hyo Nam went to Europe to Cheongpyeong Training Center. So instead of sending them (Europe) the salary of the translators, they will be the one to give salary to translators. And the money we are supposed to send to Europe will be sent to Cheongpyeong Training Center. For me it is fine so i made a requisition form. The total amount is quite huge because i was computing for salaries that was incurred for more or less two years of translation work of many names.
When my leader saw this he said the amount is not right. I asked him what is wrong, but he started to get angry and ask me why am i not following his instructions. He made another requisition form with amount much greater than what i computed. I resisted to sign it and i told him that is the wrong one. He said he will fire me and get another person to do the job. He did not allow me to go to the office. So i did the necessary thing i had to finish inside my bedroom.
Before i left, i went to the office of Rev. Hwang to request him to do something about that. But as he said, he cannot do anything about it, i told myself, that those korean leaders in high positions within the FFWPU are ROTTEN, CORRUPT. They are FAKE.
I left my post not giving the office my final report. I thought they are corrupt and fraud inside and they do not deserve my honest report.
Actually there are other things that i really do not agree with, but this one involves the biggest amount.
After i left i know that the camp of Rev. Hwang and my direct leader spread rumor that i got away with the money of Cheon Seong Gyeong team. That is not true. I only receive what is in the requisition form which is supported by an attachment of the payroll detailed schedule. So if ever i really got money, it would be the salary of the translators. But i gave them their salaries and they signed a receipt received. So i am safe if ever somebody questions me. Petty cash account is also well accounted. If you are a bookkeeper or accountant you know what i am talking about.
Regarding the fraudulent financial document that my direct leader wants me to sign, i do not know what happened. If somebody over there is interested to know, you can ask Raymond (wife of Nerissa Saulog). Maybe they know the rest of the story.
After sometime, my passport disappeared. I am not sure whether this is related with my conflict with Rev. Hwang's group. I had observed that they are very good at manipulating documents. If they got my passport they might have had used it against me without my knowing.
For brothers and sisters who are wondering why is the FFWPU being divided this way? It is because the korean leaders like Rev. Kwak, Rev. Hwang and Mrs. Kim Hyo Nam who are really close to True Father were ROTTEN inside and FAKE. So the only way for God to continue His Providence is to divide us and divide again until He can gather those who really can be used for His providence.
I am sorry to tell you about this, but it is better to tell so you can also hear another side of the coin story. This thing that i found out had almost driven me away.
However, at that same time the leadership of Hyung Jin Nim and Kook Jin Nim that advocates transparency kept me still. I saw great hope and bright future for those who are dreaming of a beautiful world. I saw God is directly working with them. If you have an open eyes you can clearly see this when you try to review what they had done during their leadership here in Korea.
Please be strong in your faith in the Divine Principle and True Father and to his heir Rev. Hyung Jin Moon and his Big Brother behind him, Mr. Justin Kook Jin Moon.
God bless you all more and more.
(FB Post by Vi Apigo)

Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Changing The Cheon Seong Gyeong Will Bring Heaven’s Curse (by Vi Apigo)

The words of Rev. Moon of the Unification Church, the Cheon Seong Gyeong, nobody can touch this. If you go to Heaven and then you say to Rev. Moon, “This [content] was lacking,” then I would reply, “Oh, okay”, and let it go. That’s why as an exercise I am leaving behind a secret code here and there without anyone’s knowledge. That’s something people don’t know about. (446-105, 2004. 4. 22)
The reason why we are having this time is because [I’m worried that I] might leave behind affirmations that could be criticized after I leave to Spirit World. We have to make it very clear. The word Cheon Seong Gyeong is a very dreadful word. Any person, a third person, regardless of how great they may be, even if they have several Nobel prizes under their belt, nobody can touch [or change] the Cheon Seong Gyeong. That’s why new denominations will not arise. We are preparing for that. You never know maybe I’ll announce part two from Spirit World. (447-83, 2004. 4. 30)
The reason I am teaching about the Cheon Seong Gyeong is for the education of sons and daughters who can go to Heaven, it’s not for me to sell them [this book]. It’s a textbook, text book. Do you understand? “Yes.” Okay, what percentage of you are united here? If someone reads even one syllable incorrectly during Hoon Dok Hae, I correct them. The denomination should not arise in the Unification Chruch because we leave behind this kind of mistake.. (464-280, 2004. 8. 15)
If you’ve read it five times, then don’t criticize it and don’t touch it! Sun Jo Hwang, do you understand?! “Yes.” Just because you are the head of the History Compilation Committee and even if you were to memorize all the records of all the historical events, you still don’t have the authority to modify [the content]. Until I look at it and explain it, then there’s a reason why I’m leaving it the way it is. (477-187, 2004. 11. 26)
I’m saying that you should not touch the Cheon Seong Gyeong with regards to its contents. I’m telling you not to touch it, even if you have to explain the historical context by making a separate book. Because I proclaimed the Cheon Seong Gyeong and because I read it more than 5 times, Spirit World is saying that nobody on earth who has read it less than 5 times can touch it. (479-132, 2004. 12. 3)
Also, I don’t want anyone newly changing [or editing] anything among the things I wrote. They don’t know why the content is the way it is. If they change the content without knowing, then they will be judged by everyone when they go to the other world. They will be charged for it. That’s why nobody should touch it without [my] permission. (493-287, 2005. 4. 26)
You stupid idiots (Korean: ba-bo)! What does a ‘stupid idiot’ mean? We see them and have to deal with them. We have to move beyond that. There’s no other way. It is with that content that I spoke of the Cheon Seong Gyeong or the Pyeong Hwa Shin Gyeong(Peace Messages); they don’t contain any of my personal feelings. That’s why I’m telling you not to mix in any other words into it. If I said ‘shit’ then it’s ‘shit’, if I said ‘fist’ then it should read ‘fist’. I will be the one to untangle that. I will say, ‘they couldn’t change it around carelessly because it’s the most precious thing.’ It is accomplished with these words. It’s very simple. (596-57, 2008. 8. 17, Cheon Jeong Goong)
You tend to summarize the Divine Principle book and you think that if you just know that summary then you don’t have to do anything beyond that. So you talk whatever you want and leave [the main book] thrown away. I don’t like that. I already know. I know how fake it is, and I know how different it is from the original script. I don’t like that. Do not touch things with regards to what I wrote. I know how it smells. Even though you go ahead and publish it and just put it on my table. Even though you may say you received a doctorate and you will receive my signature, I can’t just give it away. I want to make decisions by an appraisal method by deciding (O) or (X). We must distinguish what Heaven requires. I am that kind of person. Had I been ignorant on my sermon volumes, it would have been a big problem. Even if I die, I would become the teacher who left without leaving behind my book. (557-309, 2007. 3. 1)
What does it mean that I’m attending Hoon Dok Hae? It means that I discovered these words, I recorded them, and I edit them. I read this thousands of times, but it took 3 years just to make these Pyeong Hwa Hoon Gyeong(Peace Messages). When explaining the laws established in the constitution, the world can change if you make a mistake in even one word. ... That’s why it was with a life or death determination that True Parents made corrections. In the position of True Parents, we have to uproot all the people in humanity who went to Hell and we have to make a textbook for them. Do you understand? Anything aside from this textbook does not work, regardless of how good it may be. (574-97, 2007. 8. 30)
Okay, the Cheon Seong Gyeong and the Pyeong Hwa Shin Gyeong are the way that you must go. It’s not the path that True Parents have to walk. There’s nothing to remove from this [content]. You have to live with these words. (595-218, 2008. 8. 10, Cheon Jeong Goong)
If I go to Spirit World now, although I am preparing to go to Spirit World right now, the restoration through indemnity on earth is actually finished. I have prepared the Cheon Seong Gyeong [for you] at this final point. I have prepared it all. (567-15, 2007. 6. 25)
Now it is all finished. There is nothing left to touch [change]. I immediately know if someone changes even one syllable [in the text] because I read those textbooks several hundred times. You must memorize it all. ‘Owner of peace, owner of lineage’, Cheon Seong Gyeong, Family Pledge, and the World Scriptures. All the textbooks are included for 12 years of Cheon Il Guk. (During Hoon Dok Hae of ‘North- South Unification seen from the perspective of God’s Providence’ Chapter 3, paragraph 3-6)
(FB post by Vi Apigo)